王维(701-761),字摩诘,盛唐时期的著名诗人,官至尚书右丞,原籍祁(今山西 祁县),迁至蒲州(今山西 永济),崇信佛教,晚年居于蓝田辋川别墅,汉族。其诗、画成就都很高,苏东坡赞他“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗。”,尤以山水诗成就为最,与孟浩然合称“王孟”,晚年无心仕途,专诚奉佛,故后世人称其为“诗佛”。著有《王右丞集》,存诗400首。善画人物、丛竹、山水。唐人记载其山水面貌有二:其一类似李氏父子,另一类则以破墨法画成,其名作《辋川图》即为后者。可惜至今已无真迹传世。传为他的《雪溪图》及《济南伏生像》都非真迹。王维在唐诗的范畴显然有更高的成就,他是唐代山水田园派的代表。开元进士科第一(即状元)。任过大乐丞、右拾遗等官,安禄山叛乱时,曾被迫出任伪职,后两京收复,降职为太子中允,复累迁至给事中,终尚书右丞。
王维青少年时期即富于文学才华。开元九年(721) 中进士第,为大乐丞。因故谪济州司仓参军。后归至长安。开元二十二年张九龄为中书令。王维被擢为右拾遗。其时作有《献始兴公》诗,称颂张九龄反对植党营私和滥施爵赏的政治主张,体现了他当时要求有所作为的心情。二十四年 (736)张九龄罢相。次年贬荆州长史。李林甫任中书令,这是玄宗时期政治由较为清明而日趋黑暗的转折点。王维对张九龄被贬,感到非常沮丧,但他并未就此退出官场。开元二十五年,曾奉使赴河西节度副大使崔希逸幕,后又以殿中侍御史知南选,天宝中,王维的官职逐渐升迁。安史乱前,官至给事中,他一方面对当时的官场感到厌倦和担心,但另一方面却又恋栈怀禄,不能决然离去。于是随俗浮沉,长期过着半官半隐的生活。
渔舟逐水爱山春, 两岸桃花夹古津。
坐看红树不知远, 行尽青溪不见人。
山口潜行始隈隩, 山开旷望旋平陆。
遥看一处攒云树, 近入千家散花竹。
樵客初传汉姓名, 居人未改秦衣服。
居人共住武陵源, 还从物外起田园。
月明松下房栊静, 日出云中鸡犬喧。
惊闻俗客争来集, 竞引还家问都邑。
平明闾巷扫花开, 薄暮渔樵乘水入。
初因避地去人间, 及至成仙遂不还。
峡里谁知有人事, 世中遥望空云山。
不疑灵境难闻见, 尘心未尽思乡县。
出洞无论隔山水, 辞家终拟长游衍。
自谓经过旧不迷, 安知峰壑今来变。
当时只记入山深, 青溪几曲到云林。
春来遍是桃花水, 不辨仙源何处寻。
Wang Wei
A fisherman is drifting, enjoying the spring mountains,
And the peach-trees on both banks lead him to an ancient source.
Watching the fresh-coloured trees, he never thinks of distance
Till he comes to the end of the blue stream and suddenly- strange men!
It's a cave-with a mouth so narrow that he has to crawl through;
But then it opens wide again on a broad and level path --
And far beyond he faces clouds crowning a reach of trees,
And thousands of houses shadowed round with flowers and bamboos....
Woodsmen tell him their names in the ancient speech of Han;
And clothes of the Qin Dynasty are worn by all these people
Living on the uplands, above the Wuling River,
On farms and in gardens that are like a world apart,
Their dwellings at peace under pines in the clear moon,
Until sunrise fills the low sky with crowing and barking.
...At news of a stranger the people all assemble,
And each of them invites him home and asks him where he was born.
Alleys and paths are cleared for him of petals in the morning,
And fishermen and farmers bring him their loads at dusk....
They had left the world long ago, they had come here seeking refuge;
They have lived like angels ever since, blessedly far away,
No one in the cave knowing anything outside,
Outsiders viewing only empty mountains and thick clouds.
...The fisherman, unaware of his great good fortune,
Begins to think of country, of home, of worldly ties,
Finds his way out of the cave again, past mountains and past rivers,
Intending some time to return, when he has told his kin.
He studies every step he takes, fixes it well in mind,
And forgets that cliffs and peaks may vary their appearance.
...It is certain that to enter through the deepness of the mountain,
A green river leads you, into a misty wood.
But now, with spring-floods everywhere and floating peachpetals --
Which is the way to go, to find that hidden source?